Fitness Journal Wellness Log – Journal Slim

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16-Week Undated Fitness and Workout Planner to keep track of your progress

This planner is perfect to set goals, keep track of your progress, plan your workout weekly sessions, schedule your weekly meals and review your progress every 4 weeks.

It is undated so you can start whenever you want and the templates are flexible so you can use it to plan your workouts or track your walks, dances and stay healthy at your own pace. Track water intake, sleep hours, mood… and has space for whatever you need to track: medication, supplements, motivational quotes…

It has 48 pages in total with templates for 16 weeks.

Available in English or Spanish.

Estimated Delivery: 20 Jan - 17 Feb*

Last order from: Spain

This notebook is in Journal Slim size. It’s light and small so it’s perfect to carry always with you!

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Fitness Journal

Fitness Journal Wellness Log – Journal Slim

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